Tuesday, September 30, 2008

rAndOm ThoUghtS..

I don't have specific thoughts right now, it seems like my brain is not in its proper position so i'm just going to type anything i could think of. hehe.. I'm actually sleepy as I'm typing this entry 'cause I woke up very very early! I woke up at around 3 in the morning and it's because of the rain! It was raining really hard and my dog was barking maybe because she's scared, i don't know but because of the rain and my dog i got up of my bed and i just watched t.v. and texted my friends since I can't sleep anymore. Good thing my friend Cris is still up and I have someone to talk to. But around 5 am I felt sleepy again and I was not able to reply to Cris' text anymore because I found myself sleeping already! haha..=) Then I woke up at around 8 already, I thought that it was still early for me to wake up because it's still dark when I looked outside my window, but nope it's already late and it was dark because it was still raining. When I got out of my room I saw my mom with her cup of coffee and she was watching the news, and there it says that we are going to experience a rainy holiday because of the storm "Pablo".

Yes, it's a rainy holiday! It's a holiday because Ramadan just ended. And it's a gloomy Wednesday because of the storm! That's why I feel gloomy as well.. weather has something to do with our emotions you know! Maybe that's the reason why my brain is not working properly and I am already typing things that are senseless! haha!=p

Well, I guess that does it for me! I'll just type another entry when my brain's properly working. hehe..


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