Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another Senseless Entry

I'm back! It's been months since my last post. I've been blogging at my multiply account and I almost forgot that I have this account. hehe.. But now I'm back!

Anyway, my mom and I have been very busy these past few days. We've been repainting our kitchen and our living room for the past 3 days. And we're doing it by ourselves! My arms and legs hurts! And my back too! Actually my whole body is literally aching! I can't even get out of my bed this morning, I was like stuck on my bed for a moment. And we're not done yet! There's still a lot of things needed to be done in our house. And I mean A LOT!

It's now 11:50 pm, it's kinda late already. I'm not used to staying up late so I think it's time for me to hit the sack! I'll try to update my blog site as often as I can. But for now, I'm off to dreamland!=)

Goodnight Fellas!=)
